Let us help you build and improve your Financial Wellness

Take control of your financial future with experienced and sound advice from seasoned professionals.


Over 30 Years Experience

Certified & Accredited

Transparent & Professional

Over 200 Projects Completed

WELCOME TO FCW Your Financial Planning…Taken Seriously

At Financial Wellness Coach, we understand that navigating the complexities of personal finance requires more than just knowledge; it demands experience and a genuine commitment to your financial well-being. Led by Kenny, a seasoned Certified Financial Planner with decades of expertise in South Africa’s financial landscape, we are dedicated to empowering you to secure your financial future.

Kenny’s unique blend of insights—from his role as a personal finance columnist at the Daily Maverick to his Life and Pension fellowships—ensures that you will receive trusted guidance tailored to your individual circumstances. Together, we will create robust financial strategies that not only protect your income but also enhance your peace of mind, enabling you to focus on what truly matters in life.

WHAT WE DO Our Services


We guide you to understand how much money you need to retire comfortably. We calculate how much you should save monthly and recommend suitable investment structures. Our planning ensures you stay on track toward a stable, financially secure retirement.


Estate value can be eroded by capital gains tax, executor fees, and estate duty. We help minimize these costs by structuring your assets effectively, ensuring your estate retains as much value as possible.


We assist in diversifying investments to prevent exposure to unnecessary risks, such as having investments concentrated in one country or asset class. Our holistic strategy helps you maximize tax benefits while making balanced decisions.


We help structure retirement income to ensure it lasts your lifetime, minimizing tax obligations while aligning investments with income needs. Through annual reviews, we will ensure that your funds are correctly invested to meet your income needs


We offer a comprehensive assessment of your finances to identify weaknesses and inefficiencies. From this comprehensive audit we draw up a tailored plan, and establish structures for lasting financial wellness for you and your family.


We use specialized software to scientifically determine how much life insurance or disability cover you truly need. This ensures you are not overpaying for unnecessary coverage, while safeguarding your financial path to maintain stability.

OUR OUTCOMES How Can We Help You?


Your investments need to be well structured in order to meet your short-, medium- and long-term goals.   We use the following model:

Term Duration Investment approach Max Equity  Targeted Return
Short < 2 years Conservative 20% Fixed Income index + 1%
Medium 2 to 5 years Moderate 50% Inflation + 4%
Long 5 years + Moderate Aggressive 75% Inflation + 6%

Factors we look at when constructing your investment portfolio include ensuring that:

  • It can handle challenging times
  • It can take advantage of growth opportunities
  • The costs are kept to a minimum
  • Any taxes paid are kept to a minimum
  • We have the right mix of local and offshore assets.

We make use of financial planning software and one of the packages that we use is asset map.  Here is a video which shows how this can help you better understand your finances. Asset Map video


    Helping you invest your money wisely

    We will help you plan for your retirement by doing the following:

    • help you calculate how much are you going to need each month when you retire
    • help you calculate how much of this monthly amount your current retirement savings will meet
    • we will then help you put in place a tax efficient investment plan in order to close this gap.

    We make use of special financial planning software and will run various scenarios for you to help you understand the impact of:

    • early or late retirement
    • the selling of different assets to meet your retirement needs

    All of this to help you find that sweet spot where:

    • your money will last for the rest of your life
    • you pay the least amount of tax
    • any estate duty is minimized

    We provide benefit counselling to pension and provident funds, as well as run workshops and webinars on retirement planning.

      SERVICE 2

      Helping you ensure that you have enough money when you retire

      When you retire, you need to convert your assets into an income stream. The decisions you make here are very important and can have a major impact on your financial wellness in years to come if you do not get the right structures in place.

      We will help you make the right ones in terms of:

      • what lump sum to take
      • what type of annuity to take
      • what portfolios you should be investing in in order to get the best returns at the right level of risk
      • how to structure your various investments and drawdowns in order to pay the least amount of income tax
      • how to ensure that you do not run out of money
      • how to use your retirement funds to avoid paying estate duty

        SERVICE 3

        Helping you convert your assets into a tax-efficient and sustainable income stream when you retire

        When you pass away, your estate will typically pay around R1 million in estate duty for every R5 million in assets that you have.  With a bit of planning, this amount is able to be reduced.

        By structuring your assets ahead of time, you can ensure that the tax man receives less and your family receives more.  I am a co-presenter of a course on estate planning at UCT and am familiar with the many opportunities that exist to reduce this tax.

        There are three big costs when you pass away:

        • estate duty
        • capital gains tax
        • executor fees

        We will analyse your estate as if you had passed away and calculate these various costs. We then run the numbers and create an action plan to be implemented to reduce these amounts. Just a bit of clever planning can make a massive difference to the financial wellness of your loved ones


          SERVICE 4

          Ensuring that you have a well-planned estate and do not pay any unnecessary fees and taxes

          It is important that you have a solid will in place.  There should be no grey areas which could lead to the wrapping up of your estate taking a long time.  

          If you have offshore assets that are not in a structure where beneficiaries are attached, then you should have and offshore will. We can be of assistance here and facilitate the drafting of a robust will for you.

            SERVICE 5

            Ensuring that you have a robust will in place

            What will happen to you and your family if you are unable to work ever again?  You must ensure that you and your family remain on the same financial trajectory that you are currently on even if you are unable to work. 

            We can put solutions in place that will ensure that you continue to receive an income until you reach retirement, should you not be able to work. You can get this even if you have your own company or earn a living through a number of side gigs/odd jobs.

              SERVICE 6

              Protecting your ability to earn an income

              We are living a lot longer and the chances of getting a serious illness and surviving it are good. The problem here is that it comes at a cost.

              Besides the financial impact of not being able to work at full strength while you are sick and recovering, there will also be costs that your medical aid and gap cover do not meet. These costs can be quite large, and I have seen people having to take out additional loans to keep afloat.

              There are simple solutions that can easily remove this risk, which we can explore and tailor to your specific scenario.

                SERVICE 7

                Protecting you from massive medical costs


                LATEST NEWS Our Blog

                Explore a wealth of financial knowledge and insights on our blog. From investment tips to budgeting advice, we cover a wide range of topics to help you make informed decisions about your money. Dive into our blog and empower yourself with the financial know-how you need!

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                WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY Our Testimonials

                "Thank you so very much for your excellent advice and guidance and your warm caring service always. May God bless you"
                "Thank you so very much for your excellent advice and guidance and your warm caring service always. May God bless you"
                “Sound knowledge, qualified, astute, insightful with decades of industry experience.”
                “Sound knowledge, qualified, astute, insightful with decades of industry experience.”
                “Kenny’s insight, extensive knowledge and his ability to identify and capitalise on issues, trends and uncertainty in the financial services industry is unsurpassed. A great mentor, life student and all round good guy ”
                “Kenny’s insight, extensive knowledge and his ability to identify and capitalise on issues, trends and uncertainty in the financial services industry is unsurpassed. A great mentor, life student and all round good guy”
                “Kenny is an financial savant. He knows more that most people I know, and can explain it all in plain English. He is accessible as an advisor and empathetic as a human being to the the challenges faced by everyday people. Kenny Meiring is what safe...
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                “Kenny is an financial savant. He knows more that most people I know, and can explain it all in plain English. He is accessible as an advisor and empathetic as a human being to the the challenges faced by everyday people. Kenny Meiring is what safe looks like. I trust him with my life.”
                “Kenny has the unique ability to think both as a left brained and right brained individual. In the marketing world within the financial services industry that is invaluable.”
                “Kenny has the unique ability to think both as a left brained and right brained individual. In the marketing world within the financial services industry that is invaluable.”
                “Professional thorough review of current financial situation and also planning for future. His vast experience in the financial sector can only be a big asset to future clients.”
                “Professional thorough review of current financial situation and also planning for future. His vast experience in the financial sector can only be a big asset to future clients.”

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                CONTACT Get in touch with us today

                CONTACT DETAILS

                17 Stepping Stones Road, Everglen, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7550, South Africa

                +27- 82 856 0348


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